Winter Blackhawks Camp - A three-day Basketball Extravaganza!
Days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Date : 18, 19, 20 February 2019
Time : 09:15 – 16:45 (7.5 hrs); can drop off players at 9am & pick up by 5pm
Venue : Woking College, Rydens Way, Woking, GU22 9DN
Topics : Shooting, ball-handling, scoring moves, free-throw winner, scrimmages
Leader: Costas Rakitzis (L3 coach)
Guests: Tayo Ogedengbe & Henry Wilkins (Surrey Scorchers)
Who? : 9-17yrs, boys & girls
Cost : £30 /player /day, £60 for 2 days or £75 for all 3 days; payable in advance.
Registration Process:
1. Go to the website and register your interest stating the player’s name, surname, age and the days on which you wish to attend;
2. You will receive an email confirming the camp place and the cost;
3. Make payment to the club's (Youth) bank account: (will be provided)
- A good night’s sleep
- Packed lunch
- Huge water bottle(s) on the day
- A few £1 coins
- Blackhawks shooting shirt + a spare vest/t-shirt