Declaration: This conduct policy is based on the example provided by:
Every coach in the Woking Blackhawks Basketball Club is expected to present a clean and professional image in terms of personal appearance and provide a positive role model in terms of personal habits, language and conduct.
As coaches we understand and accept that it is very important to:
Be honest at all times, and teach by precept and example.
Treat all players equitably and sensitively, within the context of their activity and ability. Never discriminate based on sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, or any other group or affiliation.
Ensure our obligations are kept by being dependable, self-disciplined and responsible.
Keep the best interests of each student-athlete as our aim. Every human being has value, and every player on a team adds value to the team in some way.
Teach the importance of leadership on and off the field.
Ensure the well-being, safety, and protection and future of individual players.
Teach qualities and values that exemplify an outstanding team player.
Encourage athletes to set reasonable goals and identify an action plan to attain their goals.
Challenge athletes to excel, maximize their opportunities, and perform to their potential.
Encourage the athletes to develop the desire to change. The desire to change is the key to growth in all areas of life.
Ensure athletes are held accountable for their actions on and off the field.
Show my commitment by teaching strategies, techniques, values and sportsmanship each day.
Provide a coach’s competitive evaluation in an effort to highlight player performance.
Respect the integrity and personality of all athletes’ individually.
Teach, educate, push, cajole, encourage, prod, and sometimes even demand, in order to bring an athlete within reach of their true and reasonable potential.
Build an athlete’s self-esteem and self-confidence by strengthening their foundation via positive attitude, desire, knowledge, and effort.
Encourage all athletes to do their best, and have fun doing it.
Strive to protect the integrity of the sport by being honest and play by the rules of the game / league.
Teach players not to perform any form of trickery or evasion of rules in order to gain advantage over an opponent.
Promote clean living and strive for good health. I will not smoke or ever be under the influence of alcohol at any time while coaching.
Refrain from arguments in front of players and spectators.
Refrain from verbal or nonverbal conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, creates a hostile environment or is demeaning to fellow coaches or athletes.
Show respect for players, other coaches, officials, parents, and spectators.
Strive to make sportsmanship our #1 priority.
Woking Blackhawks Youth Basketball
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